Psychoanalysis and Film

This series was held in 2002 between the two organizations and based on a course I teach

The Biko Institute in conjunction with Ed Video presents:  

Everything you wanted to know about rapists, racists, murderers and nazis but could never ask Hitchcock, Fanon or Lacan

This afternoon series of films and afternoon workshops brings together discussion on areas with overlaps in Black Consciousness, psychoanalysis, deconstruction and cultural theory and criticism.

Black Consciousness, Psychoanalysis and Film
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
In the Heat of the Night

Rape, Madness and Mental Health
A Streetcar Named Desire
The Celebration

Hiding, Withdrawal and Denial:
The Mental Occupation of Nazism

The Tenth Man
The Harmonists

Love and Desire or purely Malice and Murder
Dial M for Murder